Thursday, December 1, 2011

New Plans

My kids are standing at my door right now asking me for candy. My response to them was, "No you'll ruin your appetite." Its inevitable, eventually we all turn into our mothers. :(

Today was such a sad day at our little children's home. For the first time in the history of this home we had to bury one of our kids. She was 22 years old, but she had grown up in this house and was still living here when she died.. I don't really know what killed her. She had a fever for a long time. Ever since I arrived here she has been sick. They told me she was a teacher at my school and she often led the praise and worship in the church. She was a Christian, but her mother was Voodoo. Her mother was caring for her when she died. 
Her death is just another reminder to me of how desperately Haiti needs better health care. Hospitals are so far away and overcrowded that people only go to them when they become very very sick. More often then not by then its to late. But change is coming. My boss just was given deeds to a property across the street from our children's home and plans are already being put into place to start a full time clinic. God is moving in this country. With every set back he is always there to bring us more hope. For me, the future is so exciting!    


Dagny27 said...

This cut me to the core!!!! Carrie... I wish I could had been there to help. I am so very sorry.


Dagny27 said...

I will be happy in any way I can! Excited to hear about plans for a clinic!!


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