Monday, December 12, 2011


I went to the market today. I decided that I wanted to buy my family some Haitian artwork for Christmas this year. I figured that would be an awesome and unique gift, right? Well, I must have looked like an easier target to the merchant lady because she tried to charge me $70 for two paintings!! And believe me I wasn't attempting to buy the Mona Lisa off of her. I told her she was crazy. Sorry family looks like your getting bath and body works again this The problem at the market is that Haitians believe that every American is rich. As soon as they see a white person coming their way they double their prices. One day I made the mistake of tagging along with the ladies that purchase everything for our feeding program. I found out later that on that particular day the cost of beans was twice as high. That's the last time I've went with them.
I think one of the hardest adjustments for me when I came to Haiti was having to depend on other people for everything  I'm still not used to it. I have to have someone drive me around, because there is no way I can drive in a place with zero traffic laws. I can't buy anything myself because I get ripped off. And, I can't even take a walk outside of our property because my white skin draws to much attention! Hopefully in the future I'll be more comfortable in this new culture, and I'll be able to do more things on my own. It all comes down to learning the language, though. I can't wait until that challenge is behind me. I've been studying every day now. I'm pretty good at reading Creole, but I still can't understand them when they talk to me. I guess, it's coming along in baby steps.....very small slow baby steps.

"Dear Jesus, help me through another day. Teach me patience, Lord. Give me the determination and passion I need to succeed here. Lord I know by teaching me to depend on others your showing me how to depend on you. I can't do everything by myself and it's useless to try. Thank you God for taking the time to mold me into the person you wish me to be....Amen "


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