Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My hardest day yet!!

I just got into the biggest knock down drag out fight with my kids! We were all having a nice afternoon. I was helping the girls write their ABC's. While the boys played basketball in the hallway with a little basketball hoop they got for one of their birthdays. T. I. Ute, a 6 year old girl, somehow got an elbow to the chin when she was walking down the hallway. Of course, she started to cry. When I was trying to figure out what happened the boys started to make fun of her for crying. They were mocking her. That made her cry even more. I told them to stop but they didn't. I said, "If you don't stop I'm taking the basketball hoop away." I threatened them three times til eventually I took the hoop and locked it up in my room. Well, at that point Nathan, a 6 year old who lives with me, absolutely lost it. He threw a temper tantrum to end all temper tantrums. He threw himself on the floor kicking and screaming. Then he started kicking my door! It was ugly. I just set back and watched quietly until he wore himself out. That took about 15 minutes of nonstop screaming!! When he was exhausted enough to stop I marched him up the hill to the retired missionary that lives behind our house. Nathan tried to plead his case to Poppa Bob but it didn't work. He got spanked and put in the corner.So did the rest of the boys who were involved. Plus, they had to apologize to me. I think that may have been the hardest part of all for them.
I felt so horrible getting them into trouble, but I can't let them pick on each other like that. Its not nice!!! Oh Lord help me. Do they make an instruction manual for this kind of work???
I hope they turn out to be good men and women. I know they have a hard life, but they have an opportunity here to go farther then most children in Haiti. I want them to excel. I want them to become great leaders. The first step towards achieving that goal is taking away a basketball hoop. Every child needs discipline.They have to have it or who knows what kind of people they would grow up to be. (I'm saying all this now just to make myself feel better)
Ok so maybe I'm taking this punishment thing a lot harder then them. I can already hear them outside playing and laughing again. Thank you Jesus for children.


Dagny27 said...

I'm so very proud of you Carrie. You hang in there girl! Those kids are incredibly fortunate to have you.

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