Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One tough little girl

Today while I was teaching my preschool class a little girl started screaming right in the middle of "if your happy and you know it clap your hands". When I looked down I noticed she had a huge gash on her leg. One of the  kids must have bumped it while we were singing.  It was horrible looking. A whole chunk of her skin was missing. Apparently, she had been bitten by a dog. I can't teach when a child is hurt that bad. I picked her up and carried her up the hill to my house. Then I did what any self-respecting missionary would have done in that situation; I called my grandma. She told me how to clean the wound and what medicine to put on it. The little girl didn't cry once. These Haitian kids are tough! After I was finished I gave her a cookie because she was so brave. Then I carried her back to school. Hopefully, her parents can keep it clean so it doesn't get infected. I'll make sure to check on her tomorrow. Please, remember her in your prayers tonight. I have no way of knowing what dog bit her, so all I can do is pray the animal didn't have rabies.


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