Friday, December 2, 2011

Movie Day

We didn't have school today. It was a Haitian Holiday. All the children have been running around the house playing since 6:00 this morning. In our house we only have electricity at night. We run a big generator every night for 4 hours. This charges a set of batteries. They look just like car batteries. The batteries will gives us power in the whole house until about 7:00 in the morning. After that every thing turns off. However, there is normally enough power in the batteries to keep one outlet working in the back of the house. Its the back bedroom that has two bunk beds in it. When mission teams come and stay with us that is where they sleep. Today I plugged my computer into the outlet so I could lay on the bottom bunk and watch a movie, The Chronicles of Narina. It wasn't long until one of the kids noticed what I was doing. Wilson walked in the room and laid down beside me and started playing with my hair. Then Jean Marc, Wilson's best friend, came in and laid his head on my shoulder. After that Marinese, a 12 year old girl, crawled into the bunk and laid her head on my back so she could see the movie. Finally, Nathan, who is a tiny 6 year old, curled up around my legs and fell asleep with his head on my butt. Try to picture this scene in your head. I'm laying on the bottom of a twin size bunk bed with 4 kids laying on top of me watching a movie! It was very uncomfortable. I soon realized that I was the only one who could understand English so I switched the language of the movie so they could understand. I laid like this for two hours watching a movie in a different language! The entire time I was laying there all I could think of in my head was, "Thank you Jesus." This time last year I was very lonely. Now look at my life. I am more blessed then I could have ever imagined. All because I was obedient to God.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28


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