Saturday, October 6, 2012

Returning Home

As of right now I don’t have internet but I figured I could write my blog and then publish what I already wrote. If you’re reading this it means I've already got internet, thank you Jesus!!
I made it to my new home safe. Samson, my German Sheppard, is here with me. He did amazing on the trip. I’m not being sarcastic when I tell you I've witnessed a miracle through my dog! He’s only a 6 month old puppy, so he’s obviously not trained. He lived outside at my Aunts house until I came to Haiti. He came and went as he pleased and went to the bathroom wherever he wanted. He also loved to destroy all my aunts’ yard decorations and dig huge holes in her flower garden. When people would come to the house he would bark hysterically at them ignoring the fact that I was screaming at him to stop. Basically, he was a typical puppy. I very big puppy! Samson weighs 60 lbs already and he’s only half grown.
My dad and I drove to Florida and I got on a flight with a private airline called Missionary Flights International. Samson rode in the back of my dad’s truck the entire way there.  Every few hours we would stop and let him out to pee and then he would go right back in his kennel. We got a hotel room and Samson never had an accident on the floor. He never chewed on anything in the room. He was perfect. Then when it was time to board the plane he seen another dog that was flying with us and he started barking. I started praying, “Dear Lord don’t let this crazy dog bark the whole way there.” It was a very small plane with only about 15 people on board and Samson was right behind me in his kennel the whole time. After we got on the plane he never made a sound. It took us about 5 hours to get to Port Au Prince because we made a couple stops along the way. Once we landed I had to take him out of his cage and walk him through customs. A huge puppy walking through a crowed chaotic airport and he hasn't went to the bathroom in over 5 hours! I thought, “There is no way this is going to end well. “ I was wrong. He walked beside me completely calm. Every time I would stop he would stop and sit down beside me. Everyone kept commenting on how well behaved he was!! I said, “It has to be Jesus training him because he’s only a baby.” It was crazy!!
 When we were walking through customs it got a little scary. The customs officials grabbed me and started asking me all these questions in Creole. They were talking so fast I couldn't understand them. Then they started saying, “$70 tax for dog!” I didn't know what to do. I had never been stopped before and they wouldn't let me leave. I had no choice but to give them the money. Who knows if there is really a tax to bring dogs into the country? But even though I was scared Samson was just fine. When we finally got to leave I found some grass nearby and he went to the bathroom. Then we were in Port Au Prince all day getting supplies and he never bothered anyone. Once we finally arrived at the house it was dark. I put a fan on him and after he drank about a gallon of water he immediately fell asleep. 
He’s still mysteriously house trained and he won’t chew anything lying on the floor unless it’s his toys. He’s sleeping by my feet as I’m writing this now.
There is, however, one small problem. The Haitian people are terrified of him! I wanted Samson here for protection. I figured at night he would wake me up if someone was snooping around outside. I had no idea that he would cause people to avoid my house all together. People walk in and Samson will be lying on the floor panting with his ears perked up. He doesn’t act mean or hostile, but grown Haitian men will freak out and start yelling, “Be careful! Be careful! Put him away!” He’s not even doing anything! I took him for a walk yesterday and a group of children started screaming and ran away when they saw him. Haitian dogs start crying and hide when we walk down the street. It’s like I own a mountain lion! They all stand around amazed at the fact I will let him play bite me when we are wrestling. He is definitely doing his job. Everyone in a 10 mile radius now knows the white woman owns a big black monster dog. Hahaha. It’s Hilarious! I keep telling myself that Samson is probably protecting me in ways I will never know about. God knew though. I prayed for God to protect me and he answered my prayers in the form of a dog. It’s the answers to the little things that I always fined amazing. No request is ever to small or to insignificant for him, as long as you’re praying in his will. Thank you Jesus for providing all my needs.



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