Monday, October 8, 2012

My New Home

Literally 5 minutes after I wrote my last blog Samson chewed up my house slipper. Since then he has chewed up one of my new dresses, a roll of toilet paper, and ate a bar of soap. HaHa! It’s hard to get angry with him though because I know he is trying to adjust just like me. We can’t be as active here as we are in America. Most of the time people don’t venture far from their homes regularly, and because my Creole isn't completely fluent yet I’m dependent on other people to run all my errands for me. Sometimes it can be a little boring when I’m waiting around for people to come speak with me or take me somewhere, but on the plus side I now have time to practice my guitar and spend time with God. Poor Samson is still trying to figure out what to do with all his free time and I’m afraid eating everything in my house isn't going to cut it!!
                Cayla, had to send me more money yesterday because the expenses for starting my new house were more than expected. I've been writing everything down that I've spent but I just keep finding new things I need. So far my house has a bed, a plastic table, 4 plastic chairs, and a propane stove top burner. The burner is kind of like the ones people use when they go camping. I have a set of dishes and a pitcher that I can plug in to heat up water. Obviously the pitcher only works when the electricity is on. However, I can’t complain. The electricity has been really good so far. I would say it’s on about 70% of the time. Unfortunately, it always seems to go off at the worst possible moment. Last night I was taking a shower and everything went pitch black! Lucky for me I was smart enough to have put an emergency lantern in my bathroom.  I have Cayla’s mom to thank for that. She gave me two lanterns before I left the States.
I have a couple wash pans I use to wash my dishes in, but I have to set on the floor while I do it because I don’t have any counter tops in my kitchen. In fact I don’t even have a kitchen. It’s just an empty room right now that I plan on making into a kitchen.  A Haitian carpenter came to my house yesterday and said he would build me cabinets and a counter top for $375 dollars. I still won’t have a sink in my house but just having a counter top would be a blessing because I wouldn't have to squat down to do all my cooking and washing. I have to wait though. I plan on putting my house together slowly. When God provides the money I’ll buy what I need. Until then, I’m doing just fine.
I like living this way because when you have a little everything is a blessing. One day God with give me a kitchen counter top and I’ll probably think it’s the greatest counter top in the entire world! I never stop and thank him for such things when I’m in America, but Haiti is different. Even when I’m frustrated, hot, hungry, and tired I still wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. God changes me for the better every day because I have allowed him to change me. And, because he has helped me so much I can now go out and help others.
My job on Soul Harvest property will begin very soon. I’ll keep posting and let you know how it all turns out.


Valerie said...

Love reading your blogs Carrie. Praying for you more than you know! God bless you and pour his favor all over you!

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