Tuesday, October 30, 2012

God Knows Whats Up

So here's the deal....I have internet through a flash drive that I plug into my computer. I guess it picks up service from a cell tower somewhere. I haven't been writing my blog because ever since I bought it I haven't been able to get service at my house.
This whole time I've been so frustrated. I love writing my blog. I love telling my stories.
Finally I decided that I would start asking the other missions in Grand Goave if I could sit in their houses and see if I could pick up service there. My computer has a horrible battery and it has to be plugged in to work. For some reason it wont hold charge anymore. So not only did I need to find a signal I needed to find electricity too. That's not an easy task in Haiti. (Everyone make sure to tell my dad he needs to tell Santa Claus I need a new computer for Christmas..lol)
Anyway when I decided to go try to find signal at the other missions I felt God leading me. I don't know how to explain it. It's just a gut feeling I've learned to trust and except as God. I just knew he was setting me up for a new connection.
After not being about to find service at other missions I eventually ended up at a place called Haiti Arise. Its run by a Haitian man and his Canadian wife. Right now they're in Canada expecting their 5th child! They have a missionary couple from America living at the mission also. When I walked in I introduced myself. When I told them I lived down the street by myself they looked at me like I had two heads. Apparently my situation is odd even to other missionaries. Most people these days get hooked up with big organizations and live in compounds behind huge walls. I prefer to live among the people. Both jobs are important and helpful, but I just prefer mine. After the shock wore off a bit they completely took me in. The woman, who is named Val, is very motherly. I love that characteristic in people and I often strive to have more of that in myself. They told me if I was ever in danger or sick I could always come there for help.
The other day I sent Kenzy to the market to buy food. He was gone all day. There isn't any Walmarts in Haiti so shopping is usually an all day event. Around lunch time I was really hungry. I didn't have anything to eat so I was just trying to ignore it. I walked down to Haiti Arise to pick up some of my kids from school. Once I got there Val offered me a huge bowl of soup and bread. I didn't even ask she just offered.
God really does supply all our needs! I know that for a fact now because I'm down here testing it everyday and it's true! Isn't he wonderful!!
After our friendship was made I came home and turned my computer on. And just like that I had full service and my internet worked perfectly. I thought it must be a mistake but this morning it came on again. I think God was the one blocking my signal!!!! I'm not complaining though. As you can see he has a plan and he knows best.
Next time I get frustrated about anything I'll remember this lesson.


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