Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How does he do that?

It rained all day yesterday, and it looks like it's going to do the same thing today. That's unusual for Haiti. Well, I can't really say that. It's the rainy season now and I've never lived here during this time. This is probably normal but it's different then what it has been. Our little school was under water this morning. It took us and hour and a half to sweep out all the water that was on the floor. When we finally got the kids inside I didn't really know what I should be teaching them. My day had been cut short because of the weather and lack of students. (some of my kids didn't want to walk in the rain to school). But being a missionary is all about staying on your toes, I guess. Work with what you got! I rounded up what kids I did have and I taught them the story of Noah and the Ark. Kind of seemed appropriate considering the circumstances. The kids were mesmerized by the story. It shocked me how interested they were. I fight for their attention everyday. They never want to listen to my English lessons! But then suddenly God's word is being taught and they're speechless. I've rarely ever seen my kids speechless. Honestly, I didn't think it was even possible. How does Jesus do that? He's so much more interesting then I am. Lucky for me he's on my side!!


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