Monday, April 9, 2012

Obstacles and Opportunities

No school again today! We’ve been on Easter break forever!! Seriously, it’s been almost 2 and half weeks now. These people take Holidays every time the President sneezes, I think. They told me school starts tomorrow, after I woke up at 7:00 and got ready for work….lol
Before I came to Haiti my boss told me a million times “the most important characteristic to have as a missionary is adaptability!” He said it so much it got on my nerves. Now that I’ve lived here for awhile I realize why he was saying that. If you’re the type of person that gets bent out of shape if your schedule gets disrupted then you would never make it here. You can just go ahead and throw any schedule you have out the window as soon as you get off the plane. To say this place is unpredictable is an understatement. Its one thing about Haiti that drives me crazy, but it’s also something I love. I’ve begun to love waking up each morning not knowing what God has in store for me. I never know who God wants me to meet or where I’m going to end up. Once I finally let go and trusted God the uncertainties in my life looked more like adventures rather than obstacles. His plan for each one of my days is always better then what I expected anyway.
Next time you find your schedule has been completely disrupted don’t get frustrated. Try looking at it from a different perspective. What first looks like a road block may in fact be a detour to something better. 


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