Sunday, March 3, 2013

Child Sponsorship Program

The child sponsorship program that I started a few months ago has been a huge success. So far we've been able to buy school supplies for 70 children. I've paid a full years tuition for two of my girls. I've been able to pay for countless visits to the doctor and now we're working on getting all 70 of the children new school books. The books are expensive though. My plan is to buy half the books this month and next month buy the other half.

Here is a picture of my guys working, even after the electricity shut off. They are shorting through the books and figuring out which child needs what. Its a lot of work trying to organize materials for 7o kids!! Luckily, God has blessed me with friends that are willing and excited to help with He's work.

Thanks to all involved with this program. You have no idea the impact you are making on these children's lives.
And if anyone else is interested in helping out feel free to email me anytime......


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