Monday, November 12, 2012

What's Appropriate?

Yesterday, while walking through town I noticed a small child sitting along the side of the road. He was naked, searching through a trash pile for something to eat. His belly was grossly extended due to hunger and intestinal parasites. He had bald patches on his head from a skin infection.

What is the appropriate feeling when you witness something like this?
Shock? How can I be shocked I see children like this everyday?
Sadness? If sadness overwhelms me every time I look into the eyes of a hurting child then my sadness would quickly turn into depression.
Pity? How can I pity a people who have endured trials much greater than my own and still have the courage to smile?
Love? Many times God places love in my heart that I have yet to understand, but not at this particular time.
At this moment I feel anger, and I begin to question myself. Is this wrong?

Its not a sharp anger that spontaneously erupts and causes uncontrollable reactions. This anger is different. It's a constant. It's an anger I carry with me. One that is always hiding just out of view of my conscious thoughts. It's an anger I have become accustom to. But, is it wrong?

I've come to the realization that feelings in themselves are not sinful. God created us with feelings. It's how we choose to react to these feelings that determine whether we are sinning. When a mother stands up for her child who is being bullied; is this wrong? No. Anger is never wrong when we use it to defend the weak. As long as our actions are focused on love for the victim and not hatred towards the accused.

My anger is a holy anger; a righteous anger. An anger towards the injustice of the 3rd world.

I hate sin, and I will forever be angry at its effects. This is what drives me on the days I have nothing else left. I don't believe this anger is wrong. Not when I can use it to benefit others.

"I never work better than when I am inspired by anger. When I am angry I can write, pray, and preach well; for then my temperament is quickened, my understanding sharpened, and all mundane vexations and temptations depart."     -Martin Luther


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