Thursday, November 1, 2012

Preventing Disaster

If your on my friend's list on Facebook you'll probably remember me commenting about taking rice to the families during Hurricane Sandy. The path leading to the village had been transformed into a small river because of the rain. We had to walk through it to get the rice to the people. As I was walking knee deep through this water I looked down and noticed poop everywhere!! Yes that's right poop. I just closed my eyes and kept telling myself it was animal poop. Don't ask me why but at that moment standing in animal feces seemed better than human. Yuck! This is grossing me out talking about it again.
Anyway, the flood spread the village's sewage everywhere. You can imagine a stream like that flowing through a village would easily spread disease. Its a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and mosquitoes that can carry malaria.
So yesterday when I revisited the village the inevitable happened. I found a young girl that had Cholera. Its a horrible illness. It can kill a person within 12 hours of the first symptoms appearing. The person runs a fever with constant vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration is what kills during this time. If a person can't make it to a hospital for an IV they're chances of dying are high. Honestly its the one disease in Haiti that I fear the most. Only because it comes on so quickly. Sometimes people are gone before they even know what they have.
My stomach sank when I heard the villagers repeating those words, "Vini Blanc. Petit mwen gen kolera. Ede li!" (Come White Woman. My child has Cholera. Help her!) I began to pray.
"I come in the authority of Jesus Christ. No weapon the enemy has can be used against me. My father heals. My father protects. His blood covers me."
When I found the woman I laid my hands on her and prayed. I gave her money from our church to go to the hospital. I purchased bleach and taught the women nearby how to sanitize everything.
After I got home I scrubbed my hands so hard I thought my skin would fall off. "Oh father, forgive my lack of faith."
Please pray for our village. The disease can spread quickly. Hopefully I have done enough to prevent it. I thank God I was here to help them.
The lady is still in Port Au Prince. I'll keep you updated on her.


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