Friday, November 9, 2012

Is this my life?

I had one of my moments again. They come on me unexpectedly and during random situations. I was walking home in the dark after feeding the children and I suddenly thought, “Is this my life?”

Sometimes I play a game. I imagine what it would be like to wake up tomorrow and not remember the last two years. I would find myself completely surrounded by people I didn't know, speaking a language I've never heard, and living in a country I didn't know existed.  Isn't it amazing where Christ can take you if given the chance?

Yes, this is my life.

I am a missionary in the midst of a spiritual battle. I am a young single girl living alone in a third world country. I am the daughter of the most high king sent to raise up the least of these. I’m a mother. I’m a doctor. I’m a teacher.

I am not who I once was. I have been restored and remade because of the mercy of Jesus Christ.

Yes, this is my life. I thank God everyday for it. 


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