Thursday, March 1, 2012

That was crazy

For some reason I’ve had horrible encounters with wild animals the last few days. Last night I opened my bedroom door and there was a tarantula crawling down the hallway. Yes! A tarantula. It was big and hairy. I’ve seen them before, but only in cages. I felt so much braver when I was looking at it in a glass box. Everyone kept telling me to kill it, but how?? The thing was bigger than a mouse. It’s not like I could have stepped on it. It probably would have picked me up and threw me across the room!! Then one of my friends told me a story about his dad getting bit by one. He put his shoe on and the spider was down inside his shoe. Oh man, I’m never going to be able to put a pair of tennis shoes on again without looking inside first. And now that you’ve read this you won’t either..hahaha.
Then today after school I was sitting at our kitchen table reading a book. The kids were particularly quiet at that moment. It was a menacing kind of quiet. Three little boys approached me with the grins only little boys can pull off. They said “Miss Carrie for you”. I looked up and screamed. They had somehow managed to catch a live bird and they put it two inches from my face. The poor thing was squawking and screeching trying to get away. Then the little monsters let it go!! It started flying around the room in a total panic. I was hysterical at this point. I leaped under the table narrowly avoiding the bird’s wings as it was frantically flying around the room. Of course the children thought this was the most hilarious thing they had ever seen. After threatened them with every possible thing I could think of they caught it and I made them take it outside. By the end of it the bird and I were equally traumatized.
If God has a sense of humor (which I’ve always believed that he does) I’m sure he got a pretty good laugh out of that J


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