Monday, February 27, 2012

Completely Random

Last night I dreamed in Creole. It was weird. I was having conversations with people and I could understand them.  I was talking to a teacher about watching her class for the rest of the day because she was sick. It was a completely random conversation, but it’s the first one I’ve ever had in Creole. At least in a dream, anyway. 
My trip back to the states was good. I spent a week in Orlando with my dad and grandpa. It was relaxing spending a week away from all the children, but I spent the majority of my time shopping for them. I’m about ready to play Bingo with them and who ever wins gets a toy. They love Bingo!! Our games get really intense around here.
One thing that was crazy about my trip home was how I immediately felt insecure. As soon as I got off the plane I started looking at all these magazines and TV shows and I started comparing myself. Within the first hour of my arrival I was totally convinced I had to go on a diet and dye my hair. LoL. That’s insane. Now that I’m back in Haiti I could care less. I never realized how much the media affected me until I went without it.
I have a very busy month planned ahead of me. We have teams coming to stay for the entire month of March. We are doing clothing and food distribution and medical clinics. It’s going to be a lot of work, but I think we’re going to reach many people through our ministries. I'll keep you all posted on our progress


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