Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A little break

I'm staying in FL with my grandpa this week. I'm supposed to go back home Saturday. It's good to be here but I miss my kids. Earlier I was showing my family all the pictures I have of them. I've turned into that annoying parent that can't have a conversation without it turning into something about my children. I can't help it though. They're so smart and funny. I went around asking each one of them what they wanted from America. I'm using the money I had donated to me to buy them all something. Wilson, a 12 year old boy, told me he wanted jerky and a motorcycle. Hahaha. I said, "Is that all? Are you sure you don't need a jet ski too?" He's so crazy! I got him the jerky he may have to wait a few years on the motorcycle. If he was sitting on one I doubt his feet could even touch the ground. Another boy told me he wanted fruit loops. I also have to get Nike tennis shoes, a basketball, and a jump rope. It's funny to hear the random things they ask for.
I know my blog entries have become a little scarce. I'm sorry for that. The internet in Haiti has been horrible ever since I got back from Christmas break. I can log on but then after about 5 minutes it kicks me off. I can still answer my emails because I can check those over my phone. It would be a little difficult writing an entire blog with my cell phone though. It's supposed to be working soon so don't forget about me. I'll try to start posting regularly once I get back into Haiti.


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