Sunday, March 18, 2012


Wow! It’s been a crazy week!!
We had a group from Texas come and stay at our orphanage. They had twenty people with them. The best thing about when a group comes to stay is all the great food the cooks prepare for them.  They cook spaghetti, chicken, and goat. It’s really good. Anything different from rice and beans taste amazing to me. 
Two of the days they were here we set up a free medical clinic. The first one was for all the kids that go to my school. The second was in a community about 15 minutes down the road from where I live. We set up giant tents in the middle of a field. The people came in and saw a nurse. Then we gave them a new pair of shoes and some rice. Before they left we had someone pray for them. We ended up seeing almost 100 families. I’ve done clinics before, but this one hit me a little differently. I could understand Creole enough to listen to what the mothers were saying about their babies. I guess it impacted me more to talk with people one on one and not need a translator. So many of them brought babies to us with fevers and stomach aches. Many could not sleep and were in pain. They all needed real doctors but we did the best we could for them. Never again will I complain about anything when I walk into a doctor’s office. Seeing a doctor is such a privilege. I never really understood that until now.
The last day the group was here we spent the morning at the beach.  That’s one thing I’m going to be forever spoiled about. Haiti has the most gorgeous beaches. I don’t think any other beach will ever impress me  There is a part of me that gets so aggravated when I see the beaches here. Haiti could have such a wonderful tourist industry if they could get a decent government.  But maybe that’s why I’m here. I have to raise the next president. All it takes is one kid with the right teachings and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to grow up and change this entire country for the better. Maybe that’s why God sent me. Maybe……


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