Tuesday, January 24, 2012


There wasn’t much to do last Saturday so I decided to take a trip to see Lucson the man I met on my first trip to Haiti. He lives right on the beach. Of course, that wasn’t the only reason I wanted to visit him..lol. Honestly, he’s a wonderful friend and I’ve really miss him lately. Working a full time job that’s about an hour drive away from him makes it almost impossible to be able to visit him regularly. So last Saturday was a real treat. I saw his family and I was very pleased with the fact that I was able to communicate with them a lot more then the last time I saw them. His wife and children can’t speak any English so I was forced to try out my Creole speaking skills. I think I did ok. I still have a long way to go but I’m farther then I was.
Lucson and I went and looked at the property that Soul Harvest Church has purchased. He’s been doing a lot of work on it. The land is almost entirely cleared off. We have two huge mango trees on the property, and the land is a lot bigger then I remembered. We set under the mango trees and talked for a long time about what our dreams are for the land. Lucson wants to have Bible study classes. He’s concerned about the fact that most Haitian preachers haven’t been taught enough about the Bible. They need help interpreting the scripture. I can understand his concern. I recently found out that one of the senior pastors at my church doesn’t know how to read and he has never been to any kind of Bible school. I think it’s kind of scary that a group of Haitian people are being lead by a man who has never read the word of God. I can only pray that the Holy Spirit is guiding people like that.
Personally, I don’t know what God’s plans are going to be for that land. I would like to think that it’s something so awesome it goes beyond anything I can imagine. For now I’m forced to sit back and wait for God to move. I know he will open the right doors for us at exactly the right time. In the mean time I will study Creole, play with my kids, and sit under a mango tree and day dreaming with my friend.  Sometimes waiting on God can be the hardest part……

“A task without a vision makes a drudgery;
A vision without a task makes a visionary;
A task and a vision make a missionary.”


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