Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I wonder

We went to the market today and I got to drive home! You can’t appreciate what an awesome task that is until you come to Haiti for yourself. There are zero traffic laws here. I remember the first time I came I said I would never drive. Even if I lived here for ten years I would never drive. Well, I guess I proved myself wrong today!
Before I got behind the wheel we spent an hour waiting on a man to sell us a tire for our truck. I don’t know what was taking him so long, but that’s just how it is in Haiti. While we were parked on the side of the rode waiting I noticed a little boy watching me from the other side of a large trash ditch. He was a pitiful sight. He was so skinny. His little arms looked like tiny branches from a tree; no fat, no muscle, only bone and skin. His clothes were too big for him and very dirty. They were more like rags then clothes. He didn’t have shoes.  His hair was filthy and matted to his head. His face showed the signs of malnutrition. Signs I’ve become very familiar with in the last four months. I sat in my car watching him for a long time. He had what looked like a crude version of a kite he had made out of trash. He sat alone surround by filth trying in vain to get his kite to fly, but there wasn’t in wind in Haiti today. I turned my head for only a second to change the radio station and he was gone.
I wonder what his name was. I wonder if he had parents. I wonder if any one loves him. I wonder if he knows Jesus loves him. I wonder…….


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