Tuesday, February 11, 2014

That is Christianity

Maybe it't not about getting up on Sundays to attend a church service. Maybe it's not about reading a Holy book or singing hymns in a church choir. Maybe it's not even about giving to charity or refraining yourself from cussing the next time you stub your toe on the coffee table. It seems to me that those are just things we do, it's not what we believe. Christianity is what I believe in and Christianity is a person. It's about a man named Jesus, who was born into a poor family and raised in a poor town, but still managed to change the course of history within 3 years just by the things he said. He never fought any wars or led great armies. He didn't even so much as write a book. He simply stood up in front of people and dared them to love. He dared them to resist anger and hatred even when it's justified. He showed us how to love one another even when we don't deserve it. After he said all these things he died naked and hanging on a cross because he wanted us to understand what it means to sacrifice yourself for others. He spent 33 years here teaching, encouraging, and correcting. Now, there has been many great teachers in this world, but none that have made the impact that he has. Why is that? It's because he did something no one else on earth has ever done. He died, but came back. He was defeated, but conquered the grave. He was resurrected!!! He was seen by thousands of people including ones that had previously hated and denied him. He changed their hearts and lives with one great act of redemption. His story was and still is the greatest story ever told. And, if it's true it's the only thing that really matters. If we claim to believe this then it changes everything; the way we live, the way we dream, the way we treat the people around us. If Jesus is who he claimed to be then from this point on our entire lives must be centered around him because he is the center of everything. I never cared much for religious doctrine or self help programs, but this man and his story changed my life. This God is the only god worth following. He's the only God worth hoping for. He's the only God that sacrificed everything he had just to love me. That is Christianity and that's worth everything I've given up and so much more.


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