Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Angels Rejoice

We started a bible study with a handful of elderly people in the city I live in. We chose 5 separate houses in 5 different parts of town. Every Friday, my team and I climb on our motorcycles and visit each home bringing food and a simple message. We just started reading out of the book of John. I'm not a Pastor and I don't pretend to be any kind of expert.
Going into this I just thought, "all I can do is read His story and pray the Holy Spirit does the rest."
The first house we visit is a lady that lives close to Soul Harvest Church land. She's a widow. Her son is in prison and her daughter was beat to death by a jealous boyfriend. Now this poor woman is left trying to raise the grandchildren all on her own. She told me once she couldn't go to church because she didn't have nice clothes. I guess she was afraid people would laugh at her, so I told her we would bring the church to her. Last week after we finished talking I briefly mentioned that if she had friends that would like to come read the bible with us they were more than welcome. She smiled and thanked me before we left. This week when I arrived I was blown away. She had invited half the village!! Her little porch was full and there wasn't enough chairs for all of us. Many people sit on rocks or laid rugs on the ground. I was shocked. I didn't have any great sermon prepared.
"I'm not capable of teaching these people," I thought.
I quickly prayed to myself that God would somehow help me. I began by telling them that God isn't just in a church building. He's so much bigger then that! Whenever two or more people come together in his name He is there. I said I don't have all the answers but if they wanted they could listen while we read the story of Jesus. I reviewed with them what we had read so far and then Kenzy read to them the story of Jesus turning the water into wine. After Kenzy finished I told them that Jesus showed us his miracles so we would know that he was the true Messiah. I explained how much he loved them and that unlike voodoo, Jesus' love is free. The gods of voodoo steal everything and offer little in return, but Jesus ask for nothing except your heart and he offers everlasting life.
The Haitian pastor that was helping me joined in to ask if anyone was willing to give Jesus their heart today.
One lady said, "I already have."
But then an older man exclaimed in a panic, "I haven't yet! Please, show me how!"
Our Pastor rested his hand on the man's shoulder and told him to be patient we would shortly. We asked if there was anyone else they could stand up and we would lead them in prayer. I sat on that porch in the morning sun and watched another of God's miracles take place as 16 people stood up and accepted Jesus as their savior. They clapped and cheered and hugged one another. They told me they were looking forward to next Friday's Bible study. I was speechless.....
As we were leaving on the motorcycle my husband pointed to a rock in a field to the left of the house we were sitting at. There was a colorful cloth laid over top of it and burnt candles around it. I asked if it was voodoo. He nodded yes.
As we drove past I whispered, "It will not be there for long. Jesus is reclaiming this land. Something great is coming"

"I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents"
 Luke 15:10

"The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17


Anonymous said...

You are surely doing God's work!

Anonymous said...

Love your heart Carrie! What an eternal change you are making!

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