Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What a Week!!

Its been a crazy wonderful week. I got married and I could not have asked for a better ceremony. It was beautiful. The perfect mix of American and Haitian culture. After the wedding we got to stay at a resort in the North part of Haiti thanks to a wedding gift from my Aunt and Uncle. It was really nice. Good food and air conditioning. Kenzy was in heaven.

Now that we're home it's back to work. I have so much to do I don't even know where to begin. Our well has been dug and I'm happy to report that we've hit fresh water. In the next couple weeks we'll begin construction on a kitchen and picnic shelter for our feeding program. I'm so excited to get started. It's something I've been waiting to do since I moved here.

Today I was able to visit a large hospital in the town of Ti Goave. I went with a group of Americans that are on a week long mission trip. They had 300 peanut butter sandwiches and they invited me to tag along while they passed them out. I honestly don't do well with sickness or hospitals but if helping people is why I'm here then there is no better place to go than a hospital. The very first room we went to there was a man who's hands were badly burned. He said he had been there for 15 days. It was a gas burn but he didn't give me any more details then that. After we passed the sandwiches out we all began to pray together. I over heard the man complaining that he didn't have any water. "If they can't give me any water then they can just take the sandwich back" he said. My first reaction was to get angry. "These people came all this way to give you a sandwich and all you want to do is complain" I thought! But I didn't let my flesh get the best of me this time. I've learned through experience that when someone is angry many times they just want someone to look them in the eye and listen to what they have to say. I mean really listen.
So, after the others left I stayed behind. I started asking him about the shortage of water and what its like to stay in the hospital. He told me about his suffering and I tried my best to imagine what it must feel like to be in so much pain and not even have cold water to drink. The hospital was so hot. How could anyone recuperate in these conditions? After he finished I told him that maybe next time I came I could bring water to pass out. That's when he looked at me funny and said, "Its not your job to worry about whether or not I have water."
I told him, "It is my job. Jesus made it my job."
Then a look of bewilderment came on his face that I have come to know so well. "Here's my chance" I thought!
I was able to give him an audio Bible and talk with him a little about the Lord. I told him I would be back soon and he said he would be there waiting. He smiled for the first time and waved saying "God Bless You" as I walked out the door.

God is truly amazing isn't he?? If I would have listened to myself and my own feelings I would have walked out of that room angry. Instead I listened to God and now I have a new friend. Maybe I'll even meet him in Heaven one day.....


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