Sunday, January 6, 2013

Interesting Fact

Interesting fact; the word zombie originated in Haiti. In America, we constantly make jokes about the zombie apocalypse and watch horror movies that makes us cringe, but no body really takes it too seriously. At least, I hope not. However, you'll find a much different reaction to the topic of zombies when your in Haiti. These creatures are a direct result of the voodoo religion. The concept, I believe, was to instill fear into those less educated beginning in the days when slavery was the life of every Haitian. Slavery in Haiti was so cruel that often the only relief or hope one could find was death. But committing suicide was the ultimate blow to a slave owner. When the witch doctors came up with the concept of Zombies, a person who can be bond to servitude even in death, the slave owners were more then willing to exploit this belief. What could possibly be a worse fate than this? Neither living nor dead, a zombie walks the earth with mindless obedience to their master. They have lost the will even to hope for freedom. And within the Voodoo religion most believers will tell you the only thing to free a person from this zombie imprisonment is with a taste of salt. Yes, salt. A "wise" witch doctor knows to always feed their drones tasteless meals. 
I find it amazing that 2000 years ago Jesus proclaimed Christians to be the salt of the earth. His followers were the ones entrusted to spread the gospel message to a dying and hopeless world. A world enslaved by their own sin. 
God is everywhere. Not only can he be found in the beauty of his creations but he is also seen in the legends of a people who claim not to know him. He planted a seed in the minds of the Haitian people before any missionary ever stepped foot onto this land. 
He was here long before I arrived and he will be here long after.......


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