Thursday, September 5, 2013

My Children

I've spent the last 4 days with a house full of children. I don't know how you moms do it. Maybe its because I've never had a baby of my own so I haven't developed enough patients to withstand a mob of kids running all over my house. Maybe its because I have no electricity most of the time so I can't easily distract them. Maybe Haitian children are crazier than most. Whatever the reason, I know this for sure, I need a break! I sent them all home this morning and I sent my stepson to his grandmother's. I know I should probably take this time to clean the house and get ready for their return, but this couch feels so good. I've never realized how much I enjoy Even my dog is exhausted. He's passed out on the floor next to me as I'm writing this.

The kids that come here are actually really well behaved. They normally play well together and don't give me many problems. However, I have noticed they are all little garbage disposals. At first I thought, "Oh the poor little babies never get enough to eat." I always feed them as soon as they come over. After awhile I realized that children will eat continually if you allow them to. All I heard all day long was, "Ms. Carrie, can I have some corn flakes? Ms. Carrie, can have come cookies? Ms. Carrie, can I have more juice."
I told them I had real food for them but they refused. All they wanted was junk!!! How is it possible that I can turn a Haitian kid into an American in less then 48 hours??

As much as they drive me crazy it's all worth it once you see what your trying to teach them is actually paying off. One little girl that I was taking care of is named Alisha. She is about 5 years old, I think. I lived with her in the orphanage last year while I was teaching English. She came to visit me and I took her to the land to meet all the children in our sponsorship program. We really didn't have an agenda that day. I just wanted to spend time with the kids and make sure everyone was okay. We played soccer and sang songs. At one point I over heard Alisha talking to another little girl. She tapped her on the shoulder and whispered, "Hey, do you love Jesus?" The little girl nodded her head yes. "Me too" Alisha agreed.

Children can be a handful but they can also be such a blessing. I pray I can give them the love they deserve.


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