Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Our Choice

Every time I have a lot on my mind I seem to shy away from my blog. Its like it takes a while to put all my thoughts into words.
One month ago my Haitian Pastor's son was diagnosed with cancer. He had a large tumor growing around his knee that was eating away at the bone. Last week they amputated his leg. They tell us now that with chemo therapy he will still only have a 60% chance of survival. Without chemo his chances are only 10%. It will be a miracle in itself if we're able to get him the treatment.
Last week while my Pastor was in Port Au Prince trying to take care of his son I was at home taking care of my Haitian son. He was running a fever of 105 and had a horrible migraine. He's only 6 years old. When we took him to the doctor they diagnosed him with Typhoid fever. An illness that I received a vaccine for in America before I came to Haiti. He obviously never got his vaccine.
I deal with illnesses everyday in Haiti. I watch helplessly as viruses run through my village affecting everyone of my children. And I am left asking why......

I pray for healing but often I am left with the realization that sometimes God doesn't heal these babies. Sometimes children die here that wouldn't have died had they been in America. Sometimes people suffer and we scream out to God asking where he is in all of this?

The truth is when I first came to Haiti I was told these people were the most God fearing, spiritual people in the world. I was told, "They maybe poor but they still worship Jesus!" This never sit well with me. When I was told this I quickly began to question God. Why in the world would a country be suffering so much if it is filled with Christians, praising Jesus all the time?? The truth is it's not....
This country was founded on the religious principals of Voodoo. A religion that idolizes revenge and thrives off fear. There are many wonderful Christian people in Haiti but there is also a very real spiritual battle happening here. Haiti has one of the most corrupted governments in the world. Its politicians constantly steal aid money and make it almost impossible for people to earn a living off their produce or livestock. Hospitals are few and far between because there is no public education here; meaning must people don't have the opportunity to grow up and become doctors.

My point is people suffer because other people are sinning. Following Jesus is not just a personal decision. Your affecting countless lives around you when you decide to follow or not follow Christ.

Yes, God could heal all the sick children in Haiti. He could answer every prayer given to him by suffering people, but if he did that then he would be taking away all consequences of sin. He won't do that. He loves us to much to do that.

God shows us everyday when you lie, steal, and murder people will suffer. When you show love, compassion and forgiveness people prosper. It's as simple as that.  Its our choice, but every choice we make will have a consequence.


Unknown said...

Great post!

Anonymous said...

Is your little boy o.k.?

Anonymous said...

Your affecting countless lives around you when you decide to follow or not follow Christ.

Great Message!

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